Lewyn Maefala, Bush Babies
Lewyn Maefala
Programme Manager
Bush Babies

Lewyn Joined Transfrontier Africa as a student doing her National Diploma in Nature Conservation. In 2016 Lewyn started the Bush Babies Environmental Education program with the aim to educate the local community about the tireless work being done by the law enforcement team (Black Mambas) and the research team (Rhino monitoring). The program started with 4 local primary schools and grew to adopt 6 more primary schools within the first year of operation and to date Lewyn educates over 1000 Bush baby learners, 400 mini bush babies and 200 bush grannies in order to give the correct information regarding the conservation of mother nature.

Lewyn was honoured a Cronje sponsorship to study for the FGASA Field Guide qualification where she passed with 93%. 2018 Lewyn was invited as a guest speaker at the Department of Environmental Affairs 7th Annual Lekgotla informing a pax of 300 max people about the Bush Babies program and the impact is has within the local communities in partnership with the Black Mamba APU.

At present Lewyn is the Project Manager of the Bush Babies Environmental Education Programme. Currently she is busy training 6 new Environmental Educators who will be working in Communities. Recently Lewyn has been invited into the scout movement. For this project Lewyn has been working on facilitating the first ever scout program within the Phalaborwa region.

Email: adsfsad@asdfasdf